Sunday 30 October 2011

Process of Wudhu (Ablution)


Before starting the actions or wudhu it is necessary to make niyat. Make niyat that the act of performing wudhu is for the purpose of purity only. Niyat should be made in the heart because it is an action of the heart and not of the tongue.

Niyat by words is not approved by Prophet Muhammad(saw).Then start the wudu by saying:-

Bismillah hir rahma nir-raheem (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)


Wash the hands-up to the wrist making sure that no pan of the hands Is left dry.
Rinse the mouth taking up water with the right hand.
Clean the nose: sniff water up front the right palm and then eject water with the left hand.
Wash the face from ear to ear, and forehead to chin make sure that no part of the face is left dry.
Then wash the forearms (right forearm first) up to the elbows making sure that no part of them is left dry.
Rub the head as follows:- Wet your fingers and then wipe the head with your fingers starting from the forehead, taking them to the nape of the neck, then bring them back to the forehead.
Clean the ears by inserting the tips of the index fingers waned with water into the ears, twist them around the folds of the ears then pass the thumb behind the ears from the bottom, upwards.
Wash the feet (right foot first) up to the ankles making sure that no parts of the feat are left dry, especially between the toes.


Rubbing the socks with wet hands instead of washing the feet is allowed provided that the socks have been put on after performing an ablution, including washing the feet. This is allowed for 24 hours from the time of ablution, and for 3 days if the person is on a journey. After this time the feet must bit washed. Similarly if them is a wound in any parts of the body, which has

to be washed in ablution, and if washing that particular part is likely to cause harm, it is permissible to wipe the dressing of the wound with wet hand.


Mughira bin shubah said, " Prophet (saw) performed ablution and wiped over his socks and sandals." (Ahmad, Tirmizi, Abu Dawud, and Ibn- Majah).

Each detail of ablution has been performed by Prophet Muhammad(saw) once, twice or three times (except rubbing of head and cleaning of ears, i.e. actions 6 and 7 should only be done once.Since all the above methods meet Prophet's (saw) approval we can perform ablution by doing the actions once, twice or three times, provided that no part has been left dry.

Amr bin Shuaib, quoting his father on the authority of his grandfather narrated that Prophet Muhammad(saw) said, "If anyone performs actions of ablution more than 3 times, he has done wrong, transgressed and done wickedly. (Nisai, Ibn Majah)


"Ash hadu an lailaha illal lahu wah dahu la shareeka lahu wa ash hadu an-na Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluhu". (Muslim)

I testify that there is no deity except Allah alone. And I testify that Muhammad(saw) is His servant and messenger." 

Source : http://www

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