Saturday 5 November 2011

Obligatory Prayer (Shalat Fardhu)

In this post i would like to discuss regarding the Obligatory Prayer and in Islamic terms is known as "SHALAT FARDHU"..Each of every single Muslims are compulsory to perform Obligatory Prayer FIVE times a day....each day the 1st prayer begins with Subuh Prayer, Zuhur Prayer, As'r Prayer, Maghrib Prayer and Isya' Prayer....

So, i would like to discuss about the procedures in order how to perform the obligatory prayers..Subuh Prayer and Maghrib Prayer has differences on the ra'kaat which subuh consist of 2 ra'kaat and maghrib is 3 ra'kaat whereby Zuhur, As'r and Isya' consist of 4 ra'kaat on each prayers.....

For shalat with 4 Raka'at (shalat zuhur, as'r,isya')
1st Raka'at
1.Niat (Intention) - *Rukun
-Made in the heart, not verbal & can be in any language.

2.Qiyam (Stand) - *Rukun
-Feet slightly apart, not very wide apart, equal weight on both feet. Eyes focused on the place of sujud.
-Body upright, not slouching.

3.Say Takbiratul Ihram, "Allahu Akhbar" (Opening Takbir - Entry to shalat) - *Rukun
-Verbal, not in the heart. Cannot be said in any other language.
-Hands raised to ear level (for men) or to shoulder level (for women).
-Fingers not apart or tightly closed, palms facing qiblah.

4.Position right hand/arm on the left hand/arm, placed on chest/above the navel.

5.Recite Basmallah, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim," then do'a iftitah (opening do'a) - *Sunnah
6. Recite Al-Fatihah - *Rukun
-Verbal, not in the heart. To be recited accurately

- To say 'amin' together with imam is sunnah muakadah.

Note: Improper to say 'amin' before imam (for shalat jemaah).

7. Recite a surah from Al Quran (For 1st and 2nd raka’at) – *Sunnah

8. Say Takbir – *Sunnah

· Hands raised as in the opening takbir.

9. Ruku’ (Bowing down) – *Rukun

· Correct position, no ‘stealing’: Back and head straight, parallel to the ground. Hand on knees (not below or above knees). Elbow away from body (for men) or close to body (for women).

· With tuma’ninah (pause for the duration of 1 tasbih at least).

· Say tasbih for ruku’ 3 times – *Sunnah

Common mistakes: Elbow bent hence back is stooped too low and position is not firm.

10. Straightening up from ruku’ and raise your hands as in the opening takbir.

· Say ‘Sami ‘allahu liman hamidah’ (Allah hears who praises Him) – *Sunnah

11. I’tidal (Upright posture after ruku’) – *Rukun

· Hands by the side

· With tuma’ninah

· Say ‘Rabbana lakalhamd’ (O our lord, to You the praise is due)

Common mistakes: Hunched body. Swinging of arms 3 times or more. No pause at all. Raised hands facing upwards.

12. Say Takbir – *Sunnah

13. Sujud (Prostration) – *Rukun

· 7 parts of the body must touch the ground: the forehead (& nose), 2 palms of the hands, 2 knees and the toes of the 2 feet.

· For men: Elbows raised and away from body and abdomen lifted from thighs OR

· For women: Elbows close to body and trunks close to thighs.

· With tuma’ninah

· Say tasbih for sujud 3 times – *Sunnah

Common mistakes: Elbows close to body, arms flat on the floor, toes pointing backwards, feet lifted off the floor.

14. Say Takbir – *Sunnah

15. Sit between sujud – *Rukun

· Sitting iftirasy: The buttock is sitting on the left feet which is flat on the ground, right feet upright with toes pointing towards qiblah.

· Hands on thighs with fingertips aligned with the tips of knees.

· Body straight.

· With tuma’ninah

· Say ‘Rabbighfir li warhamni wajburni warfa’ni warzuqni wahdini wa ‘afini wa fu’anni (O my lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, fulfill my needs, raise me, provide for me, guide me, and protect me from sickness, pardon my sins) – *Sunnah

Common mistakes: Feet cross over each other with buttock sitting on them. Body bent.

16. Say Takbir – *Sunnah

17. Sujud (Prostration) – *Rukun

18. Say Takbir – *Sunnah

2nd Raka’at

19. Qiyam (as in no. 2) – *Rukun

20. Repeat no.6 to 17

21. Sit for 1st Tashahud – *Sunnah

· Sitting iftirasy: The buttock is sitting on the left feet which flat on the ground, right feet upright with toes pointing towards qiblah.

· Left hand on left thigh with fingertips aligned with tips of knees. Clench right hand and place on right thigh.

· Body straight.

Recite 1st Tashahud – *Sunnah

· Point the index finger of the right hand towards the qiblah at the recitation of ‘ilallah’.

· Eyes fixed on the index finger – eyes as the witness to your finger pointing and declaring that there is no other god other than Allah.

· Recite Salaawah Prophet Muhammad

This is a few words of prayer for the Prophet (PBUH – peace be upon him). The simplest salaawah is by saying: Allaahumma salli ‘alla Muhammad

22. Say Takbir – *Sunnah

· Hands raised to ear level same as in the opening takbir.

3rd Raka’at

23. Qiyam (as in no.2) – *Rukun

24. Repeat no.6 to 18

4th Raka'at

25. Qiyam (as in no.2) – *Rukun

26. Repeat no.6 to 17

27. Sitting for Final Tashahud – *Rukun

· Sitting tawaruq: The buttock is sitting on the ground, the left feet is underneath the right leg with the right feet upright, its toes pointing towards kiblat.

· Left hand on left thigh with fingertips aligned with tips of knee. Clench right hand and place on right thigh.

· Body straight.

Recite Final Tashahud

· Point the index finger of the right hand towards the qiblah at the recitation of ‘ilallah’.

· Eyes fixed on the index finger.

· Recite Salaawah Prophet Muhammad and Ibrahim.

28. Salaam/Taslim – Exit from shalat – *Rukun

This is to announce the end of Shalat:

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum warahmatullaah

Meaning: Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you.

As you say the taslim, turn your head to the right (endpoint of shalat) and then left.

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